your are my friend.
Whenever you run out
I weep and weep and weep.
I often buy you in twos and threes
in order to avoid the scene.
Whether securing layered invites
and banner letters or creating
coordinated vase wraps
you never let me down...
unless I stick you to my jeans and you get all gummied with lint... but ahum... anyway
So today as always
I thank you for all you do.
I really have no idea
what I would do without you.

Alright, alright, it's silly but the sentiment is true. One of the crafting tools I truely could not live without is my trusty double stick tape. Growing up the daughter of a graphic designer whose office was in our spare bedroom, we were introduced early in life. I remember spending hours trying to figure out how they got the sticky on both sides. It was truely one of the wonders of the modern world to this inquisitive 5 year old.
When I started to design the wedding invitations for my wedding, I ordered my pocket folds off this fancy website. They recommeded using a certain type of double stick tape that, of course, they sold. It was freaking expensive but if it would calm the nightmares of my beautifully designed layered pocketfold invitations from sliding into the invitee's lap, I was game. Well, I used it for most of the invitations. It was a pain to use since I hadn't gotten the applicator. Why didn't you get the application, silly head? Because if the tape itself was freaking expensive the applicator fell into the ungodly insane catagory. But I insisted that more expensive must be better. When we ran out just 5 invites short of being finished, I could not bring myself to order another roll. Especially since it was time to get those puppies out the door. So... I resorted to my trusty old scotch double stick tape. And guess what... it was a thousand times easier to use, cost a fraction of the price, and could be picked up in an emergency-ran-out-of-it-at-2 o'clock-in-the-morning run to the grocery store if need be.
Granted I'm not familiar with the archival properties of this tape. So if you're an avid scrap booker and expect your creations to last until the end of time... look into it before you take this advise, but for those of us who are most interested in saving time and money and just having our invitations arrive at their destination in one piece, then don't waste your money on the fancy stuff... because ye ol' scotch tape does a great job.
Since we put together our invitations, I've probably been through 15 rolls. I doubt I've completed a single crafting project without it. If I had a dollar for every time I ask my husband, "Hey do you see the double stick tape?", we'd probably be millionares. But alas, I'll stick with my simple joys of finding my friend, Mr. Scotch Double Stick Tape, on sale at Staples.
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